Windows Hidden Tools | Top 5 Windows Hidden Tools | Really usefull to you

Top 5 Windows Hidden Tools .
Most of the user using Third party Application/Software for taking screenshot, Memory test, Disk cleanup and so on. Now a days Windows 10 introducing new hidden features for to protect your computer/laptop from unwanted apps and security problems.

Note: Using unwanted third party application it may be steal your hardware , crash your files, any security issues and so on...

Windows Hidden Tools

  1. Windows memory diagnostic - To test your system memory problem and fix it. Memory problems may be crash the files.
  2. Snipping tool - Take a screenshot any screen and also edit it.
  3. Disk cleanup - To clean your system disk Scan the disk and delete the internet files, junk files, temp files, to make your disk space free.
  4. System Information - To view full information of your system (RAM, ROM, Processor, Mother board type..... etc)
  5. Resource monitor - to view your task manager like graph way and this is better then task manager.
How to enable above tools and how to use it please watch the video and to know!!!

Click to watch video

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