Real speaker hacking of your laptop/Pc | Very dangerous hack a speaker

Note: This hacking method is only for educational purpose not for illegal activity.

Its really easy to hack a speaker of laptop. Using visual basic script to hack a speaker. This hacking technique is used to hacked lot of computer speakers of college & browsing center.
just you copy the coding is given below and to paste then create a file.

Follow the steps:

  1. Open Notepad in your laptop.
  2. Copy and paste the coding given below
set ab=CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
for i = 1 to 5
set ab.Voice=ab.GetVoices.Item(1)
ab.Speak"hello world j techcode"

Whatsapp  Hacking 

  1. After save the file.
  2. Click File > Save as >  filename.vbs
  3. Change save as type  as  All files.
  4. Then double click the file.
  5. If you want more info and live hack watch the above youtube video .
Thanks to you......

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